
Conférence ENSA Malaquais

ARTICLE AMC,87979,87964


Table ronde


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Terra Forma, A book of Speculative Maps, with Frédérique Ait-Touati and Axelle Grégoire. MIT Press, 2022.

Terra Forma, Manuel de Cartographies Potentielles, with Frédérique Ait-Touati and Axelle Grégoire. Edition B42, 2019.

Article (peer-review)

“Giving Depth to the Surface – an Exercise in the Gaia-graphy of Critical Zones”, in The Antropocene Review, 29 June, 2018, with Bruno Latour and Jérôme Gaillardet.

Alexandra Arènes (2020) Inside the Critical Zone, GeoHumanities, DOI: 10.1080/2373566X.2020.1803758

S’orienter dans la description de nos terrains de vie :

Articles (non peer-review)

Chapter contribution “The Critical Zone observatory space”, in Infrastructural Love: Caring for Our Architectural Support Systems, edited by A.Carbonell, H.Frichot, H.Frykolm, and S.Karami. 2022

The soil map of the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory, in OASE 110 Soil, 2022

L’arbre Monde, in Cahiers du paysage, Bienale d’Architecture et de Paysage 2022

“Traveling through the Critical Zone”, ZKM catalogue Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth. Publisher: MIT Press, 2020. Editors: Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel.

« Cartographier les paysages vivants », Local Contemporain, conversation avec Laure Brayer, 2019.

“If the Earth is not the globe, how to sketch it?” with Bruno Latour in NESS 2: Mad World Pictures, September 2019.

“Terra Forma” in Feral Atlas, a web research platform assembled by Anna Tsing, 2020.

« Tracer les vivants », revue Billebaude, 2017

 Exhibition (selection)

« Les sols et sous-sols d’Ile de France. Enquête, ateliers et cartes ». Collective exhibition Bienale d’Architecture et de Paysage, Versailles. Founded by Institut Paris Région. May – July 2022

“Critical Zone Observatory Space”, installation at ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, in Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics, curated by Peter Wiebel and Bruno LatourMay 2020 – January, 2022.

 Lectures (selection)

Landscape seminar series, ESALA Edinburgh, « Terra Forma, investigating Critical Zones », February 24, 2021.

Goldsmith Lecture, University of Texas, Architecture. Alexandra Arenes, « Learning from Critical Zones, » September 30, 2020

“Mapping the Critical Zone,” Monsoon [+ Other] Grounds Symposium, University of Westminster, London, 2019.

Alexandra Arènes ___ juin 2024

Terra Forma. Manuel de cartographies potentielles

(co-écrit avec Frédérique Aït-Touati et Axelle Grégoire)

/nouvelles cartes terrestres/